Believe it and it shall happen

In the times of great change, we are in is it more important than ever to keep your focus on what it is that YOU want to create, what is the kind of world that you want to live in, and what your highest preferred timeline of existence is.

So many opinions, so much propaganda is constantly surrounding us.. for the worse or for the good does ultimately not matter if we choose to feed too much of our precious energy into the external reality.

Remember to come back to the self in the center.

We at Nomadica did not allow doubt to rise of possibilities like “how would the situation affect our sales?

Will we be able to survive through this?” Rather did we continue to focus on doing what we love and continued to aspire towards our dreams and our sales have been multiplying extensively the last months.

This is just one of the many confirmations that the divine blesses us with.

Remember the most powerful force, the one that is TRULY ruling the show is the divine intelligence.

That one that goes beyond the left brain, beyond the limited frame of the ego and beyond logic.

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As together we can!

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