Our Blog
If God could speak…
If God could speak it would be only in the most beautiful poetic expression that would feel like sparks of light falling from the heavens, tingling the heart. 💛 If God could touch it would feel like the stroke of a velvet rosepetal caressing ones skin evermore so...
Nomads Journey – March
Dear Beloved Nomad we are continuously residing in Costa Rica, currently in the Sacred Mountains in an Ashram called Sat Yoga Ashram. Here have we been undertaking a deep inner journey. Of solitude, silence and presence while we as well participate in the daily Seva...
Nomads Journey – February
Dear Beloved Nomad our Nomads heart has taken us to Costa Rica. We have been residing in this wonderful and lush land of Lemuria since the end of last year. One of the amazing places we visited is the Diamante Valley (Diamond Valley). With its lushness, colorful...
Hand on the sacred heart
Hand on the sacred heart ♥️- touched by the grace of the rose 🌹 That love that extends all bounds - all situations - all perceived acts of “sin”. Nothing or no-thing is beyond the love of the Mother Rose 🌹 (Divine Mother 🌬) There is nothing you can do child that ever...
Fear is a sickness
Fear is a sickness. Fear is not real - it’s a construct of the EGO that is formed during childhood. Our Black Organic Tesla T-shirt is inspired by Nikola Tesla. A man who looked fear in the eyes 👀 and Did not blink. As he realised its falsity. His courage to continue...