Coming into Wholeness

Coming into Wholeness does not only mean coming into wholeness within. It is the coming into wholeness within and with-out as one has to come into peace with every aspect of creation. It is the being in wholeness with every person, every situation and every moment.
That means to realize everything as perfect and whole as it is. Because if we still see faulty in things or others, we see separation which creates a split that is not whole.
To be in wholeness means to be at peace. from that space one cannot be disturbed anymore by a perceived external occurrence because from that space we understand the perfection in each reflection and we can see love as well as that which is not love and hold space for it to return to love.
Then we can be of selfless service, assisting the unified field to collect all the fractures and bring them back into One. Because the coming into wholeness is not a thing that can happen to an individual as an individual. Is the collective awakening and realization of the unified field as the holographic matrix.
It is the collection of each being, each piece and each fragment and returning that to the God source. That is our job as human beings. to re-member ourselves and then assist others to re-member themselves into the one Self.

Allowing this to slowly but surely become the truth of our existence. And when we drop to just come back. When we forget to re-member. That.
As all is perfect, just so perfect. that is love.


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