Nomads Journey – March

Dear Beloved Nomad

we are continuously residing in Costa Rica, currently in the Sacred Mountains in an Ashram called Sat Yoga Ashram.

Here have we been undertaking a deep inner journey. Of solitude, silence and presence while we as well participate in the daily Seva (selfless service) and help with chores such as cooking, gardening, and cleaning.

Its been a wonderful, deep, and powerful transformational Journey. And even though it’s a place of going within and finding the silence, do we still celebrate the joy of creation on a special day once a year, in honor of the cosmic Rose.

It is called Rose Day.

A wonderful feast of laughter, dance, and color, and Gabriel and other Yogis did offer an extraordinary theatre play (what a blessing to watch live theater in current times of lockdowns).

One of Sat Yoga visions much like our collection the “Divine Reinassance” is to inspire a wave of change amongst our current culture to reinvigorate creative expressions in all of its many forms. For the culture to recognise the importance of a mind & heart that can express it unique essence in absolute freedom – and for it to be recognised for it’s magic.

And we found out that our Rose Kimonos look really good on men too! (Gabriel wearing it below)

We hope you all are well sweet nomads and send you blessings from the Cosmic Rose.

Theatre Performers (Asherah helped with creating magical costumes)

All our Love
Gabriel, Asherah & The Nomadica Family

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