Nomads Journey November

Beloved Nomad

Arriving back in Tulum after our journeys to portals around Mexico and beloved Mount Shasta – my day of solar return presented the perfect opportunity to rejuvenate – restore and embrace the stillness of presence in the magical lagoon of Buena Vista – Bakalar.

On the way back to the Atlantan portal ~ we were called to visit the Chaccoben Ruins.

Upon arriving we were greeted with a gate ~ the ruins had been closed since CO-VID started …

Asherah in her cheekiness and original innocence seized the moment ~ and we discovered an entry point around the corner.

We asked a local if we could enter ~ and said “Why not”.

Then we asked spirit for permission and it was an overwhelming yes.

So there we were ~ embracing the magic and pristine energy of these ancient Mayan ruins with 6+ months of no public entry.

Wildlife everywhere ~ pure silence with the music of nature for us to soak in + merge with.

Not to mention the powerful vortex of energies/ancient Mayan frequencies reverberating in a much more coherent fashion (pardon the pun)…

Pure blissful serenity. I hope the photos below do some kind of justice to the experience.

***Tesla White Organic Cotton T-Shirt

***Essene Raw Silk Hood Kimono Blue

***Victoria Rosepetal Dress


Radiant Blessings

Gabriel & Asherah


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