The planetary Rebirth of our current time

Its been a powerful month that is bringing great change. Great change always comes with great upheaval and initiation into the unknown if we are not ready to see the greater picture.

Now after some time has passed in countries that have been in quarantine, are we witnessing amazing results in mother natures response. Dolphins have been spotted in the coast of Italy, the canals in Venice are becoming crystal clear with fishes swimming in them. Deer have been roaming around in the streets of Japan.
All this can be researched online and has been reported through various news networks.

Now, this is the invitation for reflection and for change. If we take this opportunity of great upheaval to birth into our new way of interacting with the world. A way in which we respect the planet and co-create. Through conscious consumption, to reducing plastic use, through being more mindful about the vibration that we sent out into the world. Through connecting with nature and to respecting nature by purchasing ethical and organic products.

Nomadica is here to be part of this change, always and forever, as well are we here to support you in bringing forth the greater visions. So if you have any questions to us in these times of uncertainty we are happy to take the time, hold you, support you and answer your questions throughout this process.

With the utmost love to all of you and our beloved planet.

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