What is the New Earth

What is the New Earth?
It is the vision. It is the feeling. It is deep faith. It is love.
It is the timeline that we choose to align ourselves with.

That timeline that feels most resonant, most joyful and brings the most expansion to you. Birthed out of the essence of your precious heart.
Once you have found that timeline, inner truth and you align with it steadfast, all of life will aspire around you in order to co-create this vision.

It is ALWAYS something that will bring great service to the divine within all, as the highest aspiration of the truth of love that you are is to serve.

The way on how to align is to release all that is not in alignment with that greater vision. This may bring up deep grief and pain, because we are used to and sometimes attached to the old ways that have brought us comfort.

Letting it go with grace means to feel all and surrender, means to say thank you to the old ways as they had their place. There is no war between the old and the new, simply an acknowledgement of the transformation as all is passing.
Sometimes the waters can get rough and tough, yet the shore of divine love will always be there, awaiting us to step onto the land of our great vision and claim what was ours to star with.
The union with love.

May we all reach the shore of divinity and align with our life’s purpose of service to love.

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